... and someday the tide will rise up so high to swallow me.So I received my grades yesterday for the spring semester. Almost straight A's again... except for Chemistry. Stupid chemistry is stupid. I am surprised though because I wasn't in the right mindset to even STUDY for my finals... so I guess everything in the long run paid off. Though I wish
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Holy farking hotcakes, batman! Tales of Hearts is freaking AAAAWESOME. I like it more than Innocence, sorry guys. >w< I'm hooked. HOOKED, I tell you. I'm actually drawing some fanart right now, too (Hisui, get outta mah head
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So I've been trying to ignore the fact that I have yet another lump on me now. ERRRGH. It's a bit below my hip, on my right side (which is curiously a diagonal from my older one). It's very very small; at first I thought it was a mosquito bite. It's smaller than a dime. Um, so, it's been like this for a couple months I think. It's a slow growing
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